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„CLUB DANCE MUSIC STYLES – a video documentary series“ 

CLUB DANCE Music Styles Part 1

Die Video Dokumentations Serie „Club DANCE Music STYLES“ wurde 2018 auf Social Media gestartet und präsentiert Tänzerinnen, Musiker/DJs in Interviews und Tanzszenen.

Die prägenden Einflüsse der von uns ausgewählten Künstlerinnen aus Wien, London, Paris und NYC verweisen auf die spannende und transformative Geschichte der Entwicklung der elektronischen Club Tanz – Szenen weltweit. Vom Underground zum Mainstream und retour! 


In Kooperation mit Filmwerkstatt Wien 


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CLUB DANCE Music Styles Part 2

Club Dance Culture Vienna presents a special documentary series on club dance music styles and their HisHerstory around the world. We started this video documentary in 2018 with the idea to interview Dancers, DJs and Experts and their influences on urban dance music practices since the 70ies up to now. We want to tell you a lively story oft the Dance Music Underground and its transformations with artists from Vienna, Germany, London, Paris and New York City. ENJOY!


We will publish this series on social media in several parts until 2022 in cooperation with Filmwerkstatt Wien.

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CLUB DANCE Music Styles Part 3

Club Dance Culture Vienna presents a special documentary series on club dance music styles and their HisHerstory around the world. We started this video documentary in 2018 with the idea to interview Dancers, DJs and Experts and their influences on urban dance music practices since the 70ies up to now. We want to tell you a lively story oft the Dance Music Underground and its transformations with artists from Vienna, Germany, London, Paris and New York City. ENJOY!


We will publish this series on social media in several parts until 2022 in cooperation with Filmwerkstatt Wien.

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DANCE LIVES VIENNA 2022 - a dance film documentary

"Dance Lives Vienna" is a documentary on CLUB and FREESTYLE DANCING referring to "NEW YORK MEETS VIENNA" - a club dance event from 1995 which introduced Club Dancers from New York City and Vienna for the very first time in Austria. In 2021 we interviewed Austrian dancers from today and back then to share the history of club dancing until now. (Also see "Check Your Body at the Door" by Dr. Sally Sommer)


Dancers NEW YORK MEETS VIENNA, Volksgarten Club, Vienna 1995: Archie Burnett, Irena Herreira, Bravo Brahms La Fortune, Asia Moon, Willie Ninja, William Quick Reynolds, Carlos Sanchez & DJ Kenny Carpenter


Dancers Vienna 2021: Natalia Kempa, Flora Renhardt, Arne Haubner, Daniel Renner  
Music "Dance Seduction" by Bravo La Fortune & Strafe (Hard Soul Recordings, Brooklyn 2019)
A film project produced by "club dance culture vienna"



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